27 February 2007

The Pumpkins return

A classic live performance by the Smashing Pumpkins to celebrate their return on the 7th of July... you can read all about it here.

21 February 2007

Palatinate XI

Continuing the retro theme, here's the Palatinate XI football team who took on a Student Union staff side in the summer of 2001. From left to right, back to front: Kit Spanos, Jon Smith, John Woodfield, Matt Sands, Dan McCrum, Ed Mezzetti, F'Atkin, John Nelson, David Nield, Jethro Mullen and the one and only Guvnor (Nick Jackson).

Tuson's 27th birthday

To mark the occasion, a long overdue big night out in Sheffield.

Watching United draw with Reading, waiting for some mixed grills.

"Being 27 really is all that it's cracked up to be."

Dasc orders a cocktail on the rocks.

Is this really a sports bar?

20 February 2007

University days

Thanks to my newest Facebook friend Tim Bradshaw for digging out this classic photo from roughly 2001. When we all studied at Durham University together we would sit in the Palatinate office, Durham's student paper, and pretend we didn't have lectures to go to. As you can see, the office had no windows so we couldn't tell the difference between day and night. In this action shot, Dan "the man" Morris is laying out the music section, while I mess around taking photos with Tim. On the whiteboard at the back you can just make out a scruffy flatplan. Interestingly enough, this was around the time that the Guardian awarded us the title of best student newspaper in the country - we were that good.

19 February 2007

Big night out in Durham

The funniest night in Durham since 2001.

£1.20 a pint - welcome to the world of the University student.

Swan and Three - Jimbo not keen on the beer.

"Mind your head when you get up."

"Did you pay £4 to get in here?"

Everyone looking sleepy.

Launching a few paper aeroplanes before bed.

16 February 2007

Big night out in Oxford

Only three hours down the motorway.

Dan ventures out for a couple of sly drinks.

The Turf, according to Dan "the best pub in Oxford".

Clarkey loving the Oxford nightlife.

Maxwell's, probably not the best club in Oxford.

13 February 2007

Charlotte's 18th birthday

Charlotte Ashdown, loved by everyone, turned 18 at the start of Feb and to celebrate she invited the whole of Marple to visit the Con Club in fancy dress.

The costume secret is revealed. With help from Soph.

Smile if it's your birthday weekend.

Erm, Grease? Wizard of Oz?

More winning costumes.

Stealing seconds from the buffet.

Group shot of party-goers.

Pirates invading the Royal Scot.

The Phantom of the Opera unmasked.

Welcoming new faces to the Marple high life.

The old days

I've found some very old photos on the hard drive... according to the people involved, this photo is from 1993, when we used to play football in the close from when school finished until it was time for bed. Back row: Patrick Lyons, Paul "Lenny" Holt, me. Front row: Michael Lyons, Robert Aldred, Chris Nield and Martin Aldred.

11 February 2007

Birthday party part 3

"How much longer does the Scot stay open?"

"I know a few United chants you'll all love."

"Where's Lenny?"

"This is better than staying at home with the family."

"Does Ronaldo beat Paul Scholes?"

Harriet fondly remembering the last birthday party she went to at the Royal Scot.

Thumbs up if you wish you could do this every weekend.

Dasc and Chantler looking forward to turning 27.

--insert your own caption here--

Chantler pleased he has a short walk home.

Birthday party part 2

The party moves on to the Royal Scot: "I can't believe some people went in the Norfolk first."

Ben looks towards the bar.

Smile if you're having fun.

The Thundercats tshirts plan comes to fruition.

Andy Patrick wonders if anyone will sit near him.

The Palmer family out in force.

"I've got a great costume for your party tomorrow."

Assorted revellers enjoying themselves.

"Is it not fancy dress?"

Birthday party part 1

At last I have managed to get together all the photos from the night we celebrated me turning 27.

A few quick drinks in the Midland to get everything started.

James and James wondering what the night has in store.

"Does Ronaldo beat Paul Scholes?"

Choosing what to have at the Maple Tree.

"Have we got enough for a starter?"

"I've heard the sweet and sour chicken is good."

"Take some photos while we wait for the food."

100 comedy uses for a spring roll part 1.

The food turns up.

Fallon looking pleased to be 21 years of age.