29 November 2007

Music choice of the day - Sunset Rubdown

Fronted by Wolf Parader Spencer Krug, Sunset Rubdown have a new album out... but this is one of their older songs called Stadiums And Shrines II. Enjoy!

27 November 2007

Passing by

If you find yourself easily mesmerised watching the world pass by the window, visit the site here which brings together clips from all over the world, all showing views out of a moving vehicle.

22 November 2007

Apart From That - Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter is one of the best playwrights of modern times and here's a short sketch he performed on the BBC with the help of Rupert Graves. Two characters are talking on mobile phones about not much in particular.

21 November 2007

Wednesday music - Wolf Parade

I'll Believe In Anything by the weird and wonderful Canadian band Wolf Parade. Their second album is due next year. Little known fact - Wolf Parade's drummer plays on Wake Up by Arcade Fire.

20 November 2007

Fun and games in Liverpool

Thanks to Andy "Krazy House" Dutton for the action shot of the fun and games in Liverpool over the weekend. Here's half the team enjoying a cheeky drink in some Irish bar before upsetting the waitresses in JR's.

New Cloverfield trailer

Click here to see the new trailer for the upcoming Cloverfield movie which is out next year. It features all the right ingredients - big monster + rampage + New York.

16 November 2007

24 in 1994

Spoof pilot of 24 set back in the days when computers weren't quite as advanced... probably won't make much sense to the youngsters.

Dreams of flying

Jan von Holleben's photo exhibition that makes creative use of the floor... click here.

Photo manipulation through the ages

A long time before Photoshop was invented, sneaky photographers were rubbing out and adding in people to their pictures. You can read about the history of digital tampering (from 1860 to the present day) here.

Hawk Green bonfire

Impressive action shot stolen from the Marple website here.

03 November 2007
