25 March 2008

Bleaklow on Easter Monday

If there's a better way to spend Easter Monday than on a long walk to a WWII plane crash site, we haven't found it. The snow was just a bonus. Thanks to Mr GPS man Andy Dutton for leading the way.

Reading the tribute in the wreckage.

Bits of plane in the snow.

More tributes in the snow.

"I've never had this much fun on a bank holiday before."

Greg senses an incoming snow storm.

Coldest lunchtime ever.

Heading for home.

"Turned out nice again."

There's more about Bleaklow and the plane crash on Wikipedia here.

To see all 64 of my photos in glorious 6.3 megapixel resolution head over to the Flickr page here.

Good Friday walk to the cross

Well done everyone who made it through the hail.

The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

Some music from Brand New to wake everyone up after the Easter holidays.

Last ever tea and coffee

Another era ends... 17th Feb 2008.

20 March 2008

Disturbia (2007)

"despite the interesting set-up, the action degenerates into obvious implausibility and silliness - 2/5" - The Guardian

"entertaining Hitchcock-lite for a generation that would rather dial P for pizza than M for murder - 3/5" - Empire

"7/10" - me

11 March 2008

Old school

A photo from the good old days of walking to school starring Chris, me, Copes and Gaz... who is wearing jeans for some reason.

07 March 2008

HDR photos

Which is where the light bits are as visible as the dark bits. Or something. More examples here.