14 May 2008

Happy Ryan

Ryan looking happy to have completed his four mile sponsored walk in aid of the Turn On The Tap charity.

California here we come

A month and a bit to go... time to book some hotels. Including this one in Santa Monica.

"Wake me up when we get to LA."

"I don't care as long as it has a pool."

Goodbye Clarkey

Stockport legend Alan Clarke has left for Wells, a small place very near Bristol. To celebrate his departure we went to a very expensive Argentinian restaurant where the burgers cost £17.50 (chips extra). Much tastier than McDonald's though.

United champions again

See you next year for £2 extra a game.

My album covers

montageWith a whopping 215 albums now loaded onto the old iPod, there has never been a better time to do a quick montage-style graphic thing with them. Out of all these the first one I bought was Monster by R.E.M. in 1995... but it was on tape then. How many can you name?

0-20 - you have seen a record store
21-40 - you have been in a record store
41+ - you own a record store