18 June 2008

Two hit wonders

Forget about one hit wonders, two hit wonders are much more interesting - including the Presidents Of The USA and Ugly Kid Joe. Click here for the list.

16 June 2008

Where are Dave, Amy, Greg and Sarah?

Google Calendar to the rescue... here you can find out where in the USA we'll be on any particular day. Details subject to change without prior warning.

The Darjeeling Limited (2007)

"How can a train be lost? It's on rails."

More slow motion effects, dry humour, symbolic camera angles and quiet desperation from Wes Anderson as three brothers take a spiritual journey across India. IMDB

The Invasion (2007)

"My husband is not my husband."

Aliens try and take over the world and the only people who can stop them are Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. IMDB

Rob and Penny's wedding

Congratulations to Rob and Penny who were married last Saturday. A free Mars bar on every table too.

Arty wedding shot.

Happy to be here.

First dance - where's the best man?

He's hiding at the back.

Hat fun 1.

Hat fun 2.

Hat fun 3.

For high resolution photos (many of which seem to be out of focus) click here.

Amy's 21st birthday

One week until Amy's birthday - time to hit the bright lights of Manchester.

Fun and games in Croma.

Fun and games in Birdcage.

A few more photos in eye-popping 10 megapixel resolution are up on Flickr here.

Driving home

There's a new camera in for review at work (this one)... click here to see some photos taken with it on the drive back home from the office.

13 June 2008

Times online archive

The Times newspaper has put up a huge online archive of articles covering the years 1785-1985, including the report of Marie Antoinette's execution. You can find it here.

12 June 2008

The Conversation (1974)

"He'd kill us if he got the chance."

Gene Hackman stars as the paranoid surveillance expert hired to record a conversation held in a busy public square. As more and more of the conversation is revealed, Hackman becomes convinced that he needs to take action to stop a murder. IMDB

Josh Settle professional photography

Josh showing off his previously undiscovered photographic talents.

Two birthdays in one day

"This is more like a music festival than a birthday party."

Beeb looking very pleased to have reached his 18th birthday.

Michelle celebrating her 24th birthday with some karaoke.

11 June 2008

Paul and Becky's wedding

Congratulations to Paul and Becky who finally tied the knot and have headed off to Italy.

Posing for photos.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Cutting the cake.

General celebrations.

All 212 action-packed photos can be accessed in high resolution on Flickr by clicking here.

03 June 2008

The Ice Storm (1997)

"You're boring me."

Packed with famous faces (including Frodo Baggins and Spiderman), the story of two unhappy dysfunctional American families in the 1970s. And an ice storm. IMDB

The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)

"I kill you!"

Romain Duris turns in a top performance as a man torn between his brutal job and his dreams of playing the piano. IMDB