07 July 2009

Music: It Doesn't Have To Be Beautiful - Slow Club

Sheffield songsmiths Slow Club have a new album out this week and this is a song from it. I assume it's a single or something. The NME gave the album 8/10:

Sheffield duo Rebecca Taylor and Charles Watson, aka Slow Club, take the opposite route for their debut album, dishing up a mish-mash of folk, country, skiffle and oh-so-cute indie-pop sounds which are far too delicate to need that nasty masculine bass guitar anyway. It’s an approach which won’t be to everyone’s taste – in fact, there’s a certain type of person who’ll hate it. These people – for argument’s sake we’ll call them ‘idiots’ – will doubtless hurl their favourite four-letter word, ‘twee’, at Slow Club as if it were the cause of all the world’s ills, from climate change to Adam Sandler. As I said, these people are idiots.
Click here for the full review. And then rush out to buy the album.

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